caring, softening, tending…

These are the terms I lean into while working in collaboration. There is a value and necessity for me to work in collectivity - the practice of negotiation, of figuring out something unknown together brings me to an in-between space. Being with others in this space is where I find answers that lead to the next set of questions and practices - a movement of forward and backwards and looping into the cracks of something new, something otherwise. I prioritize and explore ways of coming together, and leaning towards one another through playful soft interactions. 

When making, I desire a moment to ground in the space together, to create a warmth that settles in the body. I imagine the theatre as a sight of magic, transformation, and teleportation of the mind. I co-facilitate spaces that encourage an autonomy in how to see, and how to process - attention is self-led and the contract between audience and performer is devised anew in every encounter. This provides a freedom that changes what’s at stake, and changes where value and importance are placed. 

As an artist, I want to sit inside the endless possibilities and not know what’s going to happen.